The damage related to cyber-crime is projected to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021. Approximately 24,000 apps are blocked every day for malicious content. There are plenty of reasons that compel organizations to focus on mobile app security. It can be ransomware attacks, malware, trojan horse, spear-phishing, data breach or any virus. Companies lose millions of dollars due to cyber-crime every year. The total number of mobile apps is more than 200 billion.
Therefore, it is essential to perform mobile app testing for an online business to maintain the trust of its clients. Although there is an issue of building a device lab to test the app on various devices. This would mean a huge investment. pCloudy can solve this problem for you as it provides a device cloud to perform various types of on 5000 devices browser combinations. It is loaded with futuristic features like “Certifaya” an AI-powered testing bot and “FollowME”, which brings parallelism in manual app testing.
Mobile app testing includes authentication, authorization, data security, hacking vulnerabilities, session management etc. Let’s go through a list of top rated mobile app security testing tools that are popular in 2019.
1. Qark
Qark is an open source static code analytics tool which provides information about android app related security risks and provides a brief description of the issue. Qark stands for Quick Android review kit and it is used for android to identify security loopholes in the APK files and source code. It creates a custom app for testing in the form of APK and identifies the potential issues. It will not just generate a report about potential vulnerability but also provide information on how to resolve the issues.
2. (OWASP) Zed Attack Proxy
Open web application security project or OWASP is a non-profit organization focused on improving the security of software. ZAP is cross-platform and it creates a proxy between the client and your website. It captures your actions while you navigate thru all the features of your website. Then it attacks your website and generates a report on vulnerabilities.
3. Android Debug Bridge
ADB or android debug bridge is a command line tool used to communicate with a device that runs on Android. It provides a terminal interface to control your Android device connected to a computer using a USB. ADB can be used to run shell commands, transfer files, install/uninstall apps, reboot and more. You can also backup and restore your android devices using these commands. There are three components in ADB as it is a client-server program. First is a client, the computer that your android device is connected to. We will send commands through the USB cable from this computer. The second component is daemon which is a service that is running on both computer and device and allows the device to accept and execute the commands. The third component is the server, which is a software which manages the communication between the client and daemon.
4. Drozer
Drozer is an attack framework for android security assessments which allows you to assume the role of an app and to interact with other apps through the underlying OS and android inter-process communications mechanism. To perform a security assessment using Drozer, the user has to run the commands on a console and Drozer sends them to the device to execute the relevant task.
5. MobSF (Mobile Security Framework)
Mobile security framework is an open source automated security testing tool for Android, iOS and Windows platform. It performs static and dynamic analysis for mobile application security testing which addresses the issues with the web services. MobSF supports binary and zipped source code. It supports API security testing using API fuzzer.
Testers can choose any of these mobile app security testing tools based on the type of app and the type of security testing they need to perform. Each of these tools has its pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide which tool is suitable for your mobile application.
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